Filipino-American VisaCenter
The Comming Together of Two Cultures to Form One Family

Supplying Services For K-1/K-2 Visas'

What is needed for the Visa Interview if I am Annulled or Divorced
You will need the following if your fiancé is either Divorced or Annulled in the Philippines:
1. Court Decision,
2. Decree of Absolute Nullity of Marriage and
3. Entry of Judgement (Certificate of Finality).
The last two (2 & 3) are released three (3) months after the decision date; these should be followed up by your lawyer from the office of the Judge. If the lawyer does not follow-up then you'll have to do it on your own. Don't wait if wait is not the best option!
Here is a more detailed description to what is needed to process your visa.
1. Get Certified True copies of the three documents above from the Court where she filed the Annulment. Make sure she has enough copies for all the steps in the process. It's recommended that you have six (6) certified copies of each document.
You’ll need to wait 20 days from receipt of the Solicitor General of copy of the decision before you can secure the Entry of Judgment.
2. File for the changes / annotation of the marriage contract in your local civil registrar (LCR) where the marriage took place. Your fiancé will pay for the LBC fee to send the docs to NSO Main for filing. You will get an Annotated Marriage Contract here from the Civil Registrar. Requests for certified true copies as well, recommend six (6) certified true copies.
3. Wait for at least 5 working days, proceed to NSO to request an Annotated Marriage Contract. Bring new set of docs with you to submit, copies are fine as long as you can show the Original docs. Our experience has been that the NSO copies that you should get from LBC never get there or it will not be available for verification, so you should bring copies for their review.
4. LCR will tell you when you can get the NSO copy of the Annotated Marriage Contract. Typical wait time for your NSO copy is 30 days.
5. Lastly, get the NSO copy of the Annotated Marriage Contract and you can apply for the CEMAR at the same time. Be sure to use all AKA's when applying for CEMAR to include
That’s it. Now you are ready for the interview with the proper annotations affixed to your original marriage certificate that just now made your. Annulled / Divorced marriage, null and void.