Filipino-American VisaCenter
The Comming Together of Two Cultures to Form One Family

Supplying Services For K-1/K-2 Visas'

Covering Short-Term Health Coverage
Short term health insurance coverage protects your love one while traveling and after arrival, till you make decisions on a more permanent plan. Having a short term health insurance plan in the event of an unexpected illness, accident or injury just makes good sense. Coverage is available for 30 days to 6 or 12 months depending on your state.
Check out ehealthinsurance or insubuy to find some names of short term plans. Then you can go direct to their websites to compare coverage and costs.
Underwritten short-term health plans will have pre-existing exclusions and cost high deductibles and are not associated with Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) or Qualified Health Plan (QHP); BUT, they will at least be regulated and real.
You can also feel safe on IMG Patriot travel plans linked up through a US PPO but there are a lot of stories of issues. Do diligent on your research.
FYI - As soon as you get married, even if she has no Social Security Number (often referred to as SSN), she can apply on the Federal for coverage on marketplace (unsubsidized) as a 60 - day Special Enrollment Period She would refuse any subsidy and pay full price for her plan so that she can say no on the I-485 benefit question at interview!!!! The I-797C for the I-485 is sufficient to show Adjustment to LPR status for qualification.
Although the SSN is not technically required for private group insurance plans, they do seem to ask for it and will complain about the reasons they need them. Reality is they have no federal authority to demand a SSN, but good luck explaining that.
States with private exchange sites all have different rules. California for instance only allows AOS to apply with approved immigration petition which effectively excludes Concurrent Filers. The federal one just states applicants for Adjustment of Status to Lawful Permanent Residence. So be sure to check your states individual requirements for short term health insurance policies.