Filipino-American VisaCenter
The Comming Together of Two Cultures to Form One Family

Supplying Services For K-1/K-2 Visas'

The Day of Your Interview
The BIG day has finally arrived. So many emotions are running through your mind. The biggest question, will be, will I get approved. Let me answer it this way for you. YES, if you are confident as you look the Consular Officer (CO) in the eye when you're answering their questions, be truthful and show that you are knowledgeable about your relationship with your finance(e). The CO will have all but 5 minutes with you, so it's not going to take long.
Plan on arriving for your appointment about 30 minutes prior. Getting there any earlier is just a waste of time. Be sure to ask around to others, where the K-1 visa line is so you are in the right line.
Before you leave your hotel, there are NO electronics allowed in the Embassy, so it is better to lock them in a safe at your hotel then bringing them to the Embassy because, they will not allow you to enter the Embassy with them. If you choose you can find a vendor and they will hold your phone for about 200 pesos. It’s your choice what you want to do.
There is a courtyard (map) after security, that you will sit in while waiting to go inside the Embassy processing area, and it is there that you can purchase water or a snack from the canteen. But, neither can be brought into the Embassy where the interviews are conducted.
Once inside you will sit and wait and wait and wait to be called up by the Filipino Consular who will begin to collect all your documents. Be sure you have everything you will need and if you have been using the Embassy Letter as your checklist, then no worries.
After visiting with the Filipino Consular you will return to your chair and wait and wait and wait till the U.S. Consular calls you up for your actual interview. It’s SHOW TIME!!! This is where you put on your best and wow the Consular with your smile and your confidence. You will take an oath to tell the truth and once completed he/she will begin the questioning. The Embassy staff is available to interpret for you in different local dialects and languages. This service is provided free of charge, so don’t be shy to ask that your interview be conducted in your language/dialect otherwise the questioning will be in English.
After the questions from the CO you will be given a slip of paper (see below) to verify your address. That is a very good indication that you passed but also in conjunction the keeping of your passport also. If you are unsure, it is okay to ask the CO if you passed, as most will tell you. That’s it. Once outside the Embassy you can start dancing with JOY!
Once you complete your interview, and the CO has acknowledge that you have been approved, you will receive a small slip of paper that informs you to update and verify your delivery address. Follow the directions so that your visa will arrive in a timely manner after being released from USEM to 2go. The slip of paper looks like that which is below. Next step is to track your visa.