Filipino-American VisaCenter
The Comming Together of Two Cultures to Form One Family

Supplying Services For K-1/K-2 Visas'

Completing the CFO
All Filipinos exiting the Philippines for the first time through immigration must attend and receive a CFO certificate attached to their passport before leaving the country. There are no exceptions. You will be denied boarding at Filipino Immigration upon departure.
The objective of the CFO seminar is to enable the spouses/partners make informed decisions and prepare them for the realities of cross-cultural marriages.
Begining August 17, 2015 Monday, a new mandatory registration system for all Filipinos who hold an immigrant visa or who are soon to interview for a visa must reserve and register on-line before attending the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) and the Peer Counseling Program (PCP) conducted by the CFO in Manila. The reservation for K-1 and K-2 is made using the GCP catagory. The process can be completed using the Reservation and Registration (R&R) Online System which is accessible via CFO registration website to begin the registration. This is a CFO online registration system designed so there is no need for early (not 3:00 am or 4:00 am to assemble in line to insure you had a spot) assembly to assure yourself a seat. Now make a reservation and fill out and print the online form to bring with you to your orientation. With a reservastion you are assured a seat at your designated date and time. Be sure to print off a copy of the confirmation for your reservation, just in case it's needed to prove that you made a reservation.
Here is a walk through, step by step in completing the registration form for the CFO inteview.
The following is the requirements that are needed to fulfill the CFO process. Start collecting these items for the CFO interview.
Originals & copies of the following;
CENOMAR (CEMAR and marriage certificate if married)
Certified Birth Certificate
Passport and copies of bio page of passport and visa page from passport
Pictures together
Requirements needed from USC (copies) -
bio page of passport
birth certificate
divorce decree (if he has been married before)
The "other documents" clause can be ANYTHING and you will not know what it is they will assk for so bring your document file in the event they ask for something. Better to have it with you then to have to return on a later date and do this all over again.
2 valid ID's (must be a picture ID, like a driver’s license, passport, PRC or PhilPost ID SSS ID, GSIS E-Card or ARC.
One 2X2 passport-size photo
Photocopy of the 2 valid IDs (IMPORTANT NOTE: it is not indicated on the website to photocopy your ID's but, it is posted on the CFO entrance door, so photocopy your IDs to lessen the hassle)
Original and Photocopy of the passport bio page (the page that contains your picture)
Original and Photocopy of Visa page (visa page from your passport)
Registration form (downloaded and printed from their website)
Photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary for USA-bound emigrant (must not be detached from visa packet) except for K visa holder
Payment of P400.00 registration fee
Attendance in the PDOS, guidance counseling or peer counseling session
Other documents: Prepare to be asked for your fiancée (petitioner’s) naturalization certificate or birth certificate and passport photocopy. Also, some are asked to present pictures of the two of you together so it's suggested bringing evidences you presented at USEM interview.
FOR THOSE WITHOUT PASSPORT: if your passport is still with USEM, your appointment letter (with your interview schedule) will be enough in replacement of the passport and visa requirement
K-2 requirements for attending CFO
For youth emigrants aged 13 to 19, the following additional documents are also required:
Photocopy of parent's passport or valid identification card, if accompanied by parent/s during registration
Letter of authorization from parent/s authorizing the guardian to register the child with CFO on their behalf (if accompanied by guardian during registration)
For children 12 years old and below are exempted from attending the PDOS. They must, however, be registered, even if by proxy. The following additional documents are required if the proxy is not the legal/natural/adoptive parent of the registrant.
Original and photocopy of one(1) of valid identification card with photograph of the proxy
Special Power of Attorney authenticated by Diplomatic Post if parent/s/ or guardian/s are based overseas; or a duly notarized authorization letter executed by parent/s or guardian/s while in the Philippines.
Other documents that may be required by the registration officers.
To help navigate to the CFO destination we are providing you with these directions and travel options.
From South: Ride Lawton bus (ask if it will pass Taft PGH or Roxas Blvd)
Traveling from Roxas Blvd. go to Quirino Blvd cross the street at Ospital ng Maynila and ride a taxi from there cost; 50php
Bus route to Taft PGH etc. go to Quirino bus stop (it’s the LRT station) cross the street to MCDO and ride taxi from there cost; 50php
Tell the taxi cab driver you want to go to the CITIGOLD building CFO
Why taxi? There are no jitneys available at that early time and you cannot ride anything except a taxi.
Traveling home. There are Lawton bound buses from Citigold. Go to the Quirino bus stop (LRT station) cross the street and locate Coastal Provincial Terminal buses Whoa-la! You're good to go.
STEP 1: Get in line at the RAMP. It is on your left side if you're facing the building. IMPORTANT NOTE: the CFO is first-come-first-served basis with limited slots available, so better line up in the proper line. Some will be turned away because all the day's slots are full (15 morning and 15 afternoon). Sometimes by 5 am there are already 30 standing in line.
6:00 am CFO opens
STEP 2: Present the following documents with the CFO Officer at the entrance:
Note: Before arriving at CFO, have all your documents in the following order to save time.
He will get and check that you have:
2 valid IDs
Photocopy's of your 2 picture ID's as outlined in the CFO instructions. One will be identified with a letter "F" (fiancé). Don't forget when the session is over you get your ID back before leaving CFO.
He will also check the following documents:
Passport and Photocopy of the bio page (the page with your picture on it)
Photocopy of the US Visa page affixed to your passport
Registration form (downloaded and printed from their website)
If he determines that your docs are complete, he will then instruct you to proceed to the 3rd floor.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The elevator takes forever so we recommend using the stairs to travel between floors.
STEP 3: Location: 3rd floor
On your left upon entering there is a counter, approach and she will ask you your case and country.
Expl: Tell her you're a K-1 visa holder destine for the USA (because some are from other countries like Australia and many European countries)
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have kids with you that are also being petitioned, then inform the receptionist because there will be additional forms that may require other steps.
She will hand you a form (quite like the registration form that you completed online, so just copy the details from your registration form but be sure to answer every blank. If you do not know the answer, get on the phone to your fiancé and get the answer. If the question does not pertain to you place a "N/A" in the blank. Go over the form to ensure you have answered each question. This is important because if you don't properly fill each line on the form, you WILL BE DELAYED or asked to RESCHEDULE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: On the registration form she will hand you, these unique questions will be asked. Maiden name of the petitioner’s mother and educational level of the petitioner (with specific degree/vocational details) better to have that information before hand from your petitioner.
After you fill it out you need to go back to her and submit the registration form with other requirements:
Registration form (downloaded and printed from their website)
Photocopy of Visa page (US visa page on your passport)
Passport and Photocopy of the bio page (the page with your picture in it)
Landline number of your petitioner (of course most of us are using cell phones). If no landline is available, then use the landline of petitioner's nearest relative or petitioner's neighbor, or work number.
Petitioner's educational attainment, degree/course and/or occupation.
Information on Petitioner's Divorce/Annulment/Death of previous wife or husband. You must have a copy of the Divorce Decree/Death Certificate.
Your petitioner’s mother’s full MAIDEN name.
Know the ZIPCODES of both the petitioner and the beneficiary. Write those down and bring with you to your CFO interview.
STEP 4: Picture Taking
While she checks your documents she will ask you basic questions like:
Your name and birthday
Petitioner’s name and birthday
Are you/have you been married before?
Then she'll take a picture of you for the certificate and sticker.
After that she will tell you what time the counseling is and what room.
If you happen to be toward the "front of the line" in the process then you may have time on your hands that you will be waiting for the seminar to begin you may ask to go outside to get some fresh air if needed. Don't wonder from the building.
STEP 5: Counseling
You will read many reviews, some good and some not so flattering about the CFO process, but for many Filipino's it is a positive experience. The seminar can open the eyes of many of the attending women, explaining to them to be aware of the "real" character of their fiancé. Let me say that not all USC's have questionable character traits, but there are those who are out to profit from a "false" marriage offer.
There are many positive steps that are taken to insure that the visa process is successful. For instance, USEM/USCIS screens petitioner’s ability to support their beneficiary so you won’t be a burden on the US economy or taxpayer. SLEC checks for communicable diseases and updated vaccinations, which protects US citizens from infections from foreigners entering the USA.
CFO is your protector from some USC's. The CFO at times have been able to stop a lot of women from being a mail-order-bride victim or victim of other dishonest schemes.
NSO and NBI help protect each from a fraudulent relationships. At times fake documents are used to allow Filipino woman to enter the US to be molested, abused or sold as prostitutes. These cases have been increasing and gladly CFO is here to help Filipino's anyway they can to avoid that trap.
CFO counseling will inform you where to go for help, what to do on departure and processing through your POE, even how to adjust your status "AOS". They talk about the possible struggles you may encounter, how to deal with them, and the rights and privileges you have being in the USA. They talk about what if your fiancé/spouse leaves you? What if he doesn’t want to continue the petition? What if he abuses you? What will you do? Even the employment processes will be discussed and any and all questions will be answered.
CFO is there to help not hinder your visa processing.
STEP 6: ONE-ON-ONE Interview
You will sit down with a counselor to begin your interview session. Important Note: It's natural to be nervous BUT you have to be confident and knowledgeable with your answers. If not, the interviewer will react like piranha, and the end result is a failed CFO. Meaning? You will not be able to leave the Philippines without passing. It has happened too many times so be prepared.
I'd like to recommend something. Men, help your beneficiary with the questions. Go over them a number of times, till she can answer all the questions correctly, and you feel she is exhibiting good skills. This will make you both confident in each other. Now, onto the questions.
Examples of questions that can be asked of you:
What is your name and Petitioner’s name?
What is your Petitioner’s work?
How long have you been in a relationship?
What are your plans, long term?
What is your fiancé mother's full MAIDEN name?
How did you meet your fiancé?
Did you ever meet in person?
What is your and his religion?
How long have you known each other?
Why did he get a divorce?
What is the nationality of his ex-wife?
Can you tell me the date your fiancé got divorced?
What did your parents think of your engagement?
What do you do for a living?
USC's Zip code
Land Line phone number
(If your USC does not use a land line then just give the cell number as they don't know which is a land line or a cell number)
Be prepared to offer a copy of your fiancés Naturalization or birth certificate and passport bio page. Also, some attendees’ are asked to present their pictures.
STEP 7: Once finished with the one-on-one interview, and if you have not had your seminar, then you will head to the USA room to listen to the two-hour seminar. It's very informative - They explain to you what you need to do (cultural differences) when you are in the USA. What you can do if your partner abuses you and what authorities you need to call with their contact numbers. She will discuss your rights and options for you in the rare case that the marriage is not working out. They also will recommend, if needed, to call the CFO office for counselor help.
When your name is called you'll pay 400php
Your passport is released with the certificate stapled on one page and the sticker stapled on a different page in your passport.
Check your name on the sticker and certificate
Feel the dry seal on your certificate and sticker (no dry seal is considered invalid)
Your certificate is considered LIFETIME so never give the original if DFA or any agency ask for it only show them the original and give them the PHOTOCOPY
Note: For those who would like to attend the CFO counseling session prior to your USEM interview you will need to return after you receive your passport with your visa attached to a CFO location (Manila, Cebu or NAIA) and present your ORIGINAL certificate and give them your passport for sticker placement purposes. Best time for the Manila office: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm for those who will only need to get their sticker placed, just proceed to ground floor windows.
Advice Documents Needed for 25 Year Old and Under.
From the Family Code of the Philippines: If you are age 21-25 years old you will be advised to complete the advice letter and 18-21 years old you will need to complete the consent letter (see links below). (There have been occasions that other beneficiaries’ were not asked for this, yet others have been asked, so be prepared) Bring the ID of the parents, plus copies, postal ID should be adequate.
Advise of Parents (21-25 years old): ADVICE LINK
Consent to Marry (18-21 years old): CONSENT LINK
If you experience a bribery issue during your CFO interview, report that person's name to this e-mail, with bribery in the subject and details to what actually transpired between you and the person(s) asking for the bribe.
Should You Choose To Get Your CFO Sticker at NAIA
CFO Phone Number for office at NAIA terminal 1: (+632) 879-5685 or 02-879-5685. Desk is open 5:00 am to midnight. CFO NAIA is open daily except for regular holiday like Christmas and New Year's. You're required to call 2-3 business days before flight day to schedule an appointment. Agents travel through-out all three terminals and to ensure they meet you on time you will need to schedule a time and date with them. Do not call either the Manila or Cebu office as they have nothing to do with this arrangement.
CFO at terminal 3 is on the ticketing level next to where you pay Travel Tax. Here is a picture of what you 'll be looking for.
Required documents:
1. GCP certificate original and photocopy
2. Passport original and photocopy
3. Visa original and photocopy
4. Immigrant form can be downloaded on the site or can be done at the desk.
Information for Traveling Minors
A travel clearance is a document issued by the DSWD to a Filipino child (below 18 years of age) traveling abroad alone or with someone other than his/her parents. More information can be found here.
![]() 2015-11-26_11-48-49 | ![]() Step 1 Registration |
![]() A confirmation E-mail has been sent | ![]() Confirm the E-mail has been received |
![]() Top portion appointment calendar | ![]() Reveiw dates available for selection |
![]() Make a choice | ![]() Continue the reservation |
![]() 2015-11-26_9-26-08 |