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The Second Step: Get Your MNL#


This is an important step in the process. After you receive the text message that your case has been approved and it's now being forwarded to USEM Philippines for processing, it's not necessary to wait for this letter informing you that your case will be forwarded to USEM (United States Embassy Manila) as in most cases it never arrives, but go ahead and get your MNL# from NVC (details below). After receiving the MNL# you can begin to make your interview appointment.  You will not need the hard copy for your medical or for the actual interview so don't be concerned but you will need it for AOS processing after you are married. More on that later.


What to Prepare Before Calling:


Just be sure that you know the following information before you call:


– Name and date of birth of the beneficiary

– Name and date of birth of the petitioner

– Receipt number from your NOA-2


Begin calling NVC as early as 5 business days after receiving your NOA2 test message. Call NVC at 1-603-334-0700 or 603-334-0888 (people are having better luck with the last phone number). Operator assistance is available Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Eastern Time). For the shortest wait time, begin calling for the NVC Agent at 7:05 am EST M-F.


Once connected to an Agent at NVC ask for your MNL#. Once you get your MNL# it's time to begin to be in control of your process for the next several steps.  Don't be discourage if the NVC Agent, who answers your call, indicates that you should call back in 20-35 days because a MNL# has not be assigned. Thank him/her for their time and hang up and call the next day. Do this each day till you have been given your MNL#.




We recommend that you email a request for your MNL # in addition to you receiving it from your phone call.  This is also a great way to track when your file is forwarded to USEM, as NVC will not reply to the email until that time.


If your petition is delayed or "lost" between USICS shipping it to NVC use this email:




You are required to provide the following security information with each inquiry to receive a case specific response via e-mail:


  • NVC Case Number or USCIS Receipt Number (found on your NOA1). Place either one in the subject line of the e-mail.

  • Petitioner's name and date of birth

  • Principal Applicant's name and date of birth. (Beneficiary)


Use this site to check when your file ships from NVC to USEM:  State Dept. visa tracking.


This part will be the last thing your fiancé(e), the USC petitioner, will do. Once you get your MNL number, the ball will be in the beneficiary's court – they will now have to apply for the K-1 Visa.  Pretty much from here on out the beneficiary will be busy with collecting documents, scheduling the interview and making appointments for medical exam and CFO. The petitioner should be there for support.  Just a side note, there will be opportunities that the petitioner can help, especially filling out forms. Working together and having two sets of eyes on your documents, tends for an error free journey.





Disclaimer : While every effort has been made to ensure that the information you find on this website is updated, immigration laws and procedures change from time to time in the U.S.A and The Philippines. We claim no responsibility for the accuracy of information herein as the application of immigration laws can vary according to the facts of a particular case and immigration information can change without notice. Statements contained herein are not meant to be specific legal advice and are meant to be viewed only as general information, and F-AVC accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken in reliance on the information provided.


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