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Applying For Your NBI Clearance


Travel over to NBI website for your complete online guide for your NBI Clearance Application. The website caters to Filipinos seeking direction for their application needs. For first time users, it is an independent online publication covering the step-by-step process of the NBI Clearance Application.


The primary purpose of the site is to educate and aid to in the completion of the Clearance Application. The site will share practical tips to speed up the processing of your application as well as topics that will interest you from the basic Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) such as how to apply, where to apply and what are the NBI Clearance Costs and everything else in between.  We invite you to visit the NBI website and get started early on in your visa application as it will take additional time to correct any information that is deemed incorrect on your NBI report.


Once you receive your copy of the NBI report look it over for spelling and miss information. You'll want to inquire right away, what the NBI procedures are to correct.  If your document states NO CRIMINAL RECORD and NO CASE PENDING means you're in the NBI's database for a possible past offense or it's common for someone else who has a similar name that can be mixed with your NBI report. 


Typically if the NBI report says either of those two phrases, you need to return to the NBI and request a letter of explanation as to WHAT is in the database for your record. If you can't get a letter then you will need an explanation (verbal will do) so you can make any corrective action prior to the interview. Sometimes some you're in the database because someone has a similar name or has a name like yours and what they did, created the "hit" for you. Don't panic, but get to the bottom of the problem and resolve the issue(s) prior to the interview if possible. Be stern in your request as sometimes you will be sent away with nothing. Not resolving the problem will create a delay for the visa issuance.


If your form says something like NO RECORD ON FILE or NO DEROGATORY RECORD then you have nothing to worry about as you have a clean record and should not be an issue at your interview.


Applicants should request certificates that are issued with a "CDLI endorsement" (Court Documents and Legal Instruments). This endorsement shows any amendments to the original document from marriages, annulments, name changes etc. Unless a CDLI copy is requested, the requester will receive the original copy of the document.


NBI CLEARANCE (Green Form). Applicants aged 16 years and older must have a valid Record Clearance (for travel abroad purposes) from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). Important: Clearances should be in the applicant’s current name, birth certificate name, maiden name and any aliases or nicknames used, including different spellings you have used of those names. An official letter of explanation from the NBI is required for any notation of "No criminal record" or "No pending case". For immigration purposes, an NBI clearance is valid for one (1) year from the date it was issued. Further information if needed can be found at the NBI website.


For NBI provincial offices, please visit here.                 For a map to NBI


Disclaimer : While every effort has been made to ensure that the information you find on this website is updated, immigration laws and procedures change from time to time in the U.S.A and The Philippines. We claim no responsibility for the accuracy of information herein as the application of immigration laws can vary according to the facts of a particular case and immigration information can change without notice. Statements contained herein are not meant to be specific legal advice and are meant to be viewed only as general information, and F-AVC accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken in reliance on the information provided.


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