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Manila Embassy

Now That You Have Your MNL#   

















Now let's get ready for the interview by following these steps. As we said earlier you don't need to wait for the letter from the embassy.  Most experience that it never arrives. Therefore, once you have your MNL #, you can pay your K-1/K-2 visa application fee(s) with cash or debit card at any Bank of Philippine Islands. Before going to the bank, familiarize yourself with the bank deposit slip here.


Note: Follow with me in the explanation of the deposit slip example where 1 = the date the deposit slip was generated. 2 = the visa payment amount in Peso's. 3 = the expiration of the deposit slip. The deposit slip which you create must be used within 3 days of the generation date. Go beyond the expiration date and the bank will refuse your payment and you will need to return with an updated deposit slip. 4 = Receipt Number.


When ready, print your applicable U.S. visa application deposit slip available here


For K-1 Deposit Slip - $265 MRV Fee should be selected.


There are two ways of paying your MRV fees. You can opt to pay in person or online. Here are the instructions for both.


Paying in Person


Take the printed deposit slip and your PASSPORT to pay your fee at a BPI branch. It's recommended that you call ahead to inquire if their branch can take the visa payment. Some branches we have found cannot.  If you print a deposit slip in advance of the day in which you plan to make your payment, please take note of the expiration date on the deposit slip. If the expiration date on the deposit slip passes prior to using the slip, simply return to this site and re-click the appropriate link and generate a new deposit slip.   Bank agents will NOT accept payments based on expired deposit slips. Upon receiving your payment, the bank will issue you a receipt. Save your receipt (make an extra copy also). It cannot be replaced if it is lost. You will not be able to schedule an appointment without your receipt number.  You have to bring this receipt to the interview with you.


To properly print your receipt you may need to change the border from .75 to .25 to allow it to print on one page (you can check the border layout by choosing page preview from the file menu from your printer settings). We also have heard that some applicants have been asked at BPI for three copies of the deposit receipt, why we don't know. On your call to the branch, ask how many copies they require before you make the trip to the bank to insure you have the correct amount.


After you have paid the visa application fee, keep the BANK receipt for your records (cloud?). It cannot be replaced if it is lost. You will not be able to schedule an appointment without your receipt number.  
If you have an account with either Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI) or BancNet you may choose to pay your visa application fee online using their online bill pay services. Click on either of the bank logo's below if you are a BPI or BancNet customer and wish to make an online payment.








Multiple Applicants (fees)


If you are paying for more than one applicant, please DO NOT make a lump sum payment for all the applicants. For scheduling an interview appointment, a seperate UID/receipt number is required for each visa application. After you have paid the visa application fee(s), please keep the fee receipt for your records.  DO NOT LOSE YOUR RECEIPT AS IT CANNOT BE REPLACED. Immediately make a copy and a digital copy and store in a safe place (Cloud?).


Receipt Number


The receipt number is the nine (9) digit number from the deposit receipt. Note: If you have a Bank of Philippine Islands receipt, your fee receipt number may be your passport number. If something other than your passport number appears in the area (4) on the graphic, use that information as your receipt number. This receipt number verifies your payment and allows you to schedule your visa interview. When scheduling online with the embassy you need to use the receipt number as shown on the payment receipt from BPI. You can schedule the interview online or by calling the numbers listed below.


For visa appointment related inquiries, please contact the Embassy’s Visa Information and Appointment Service at (632) 982-5555 or (632) 902-8930.  (703) 520-2235 (this is a USA number)


Paying The Visa Fee Online


BancNet customers are able to pay their visa fees using an eight-digit unique identification (UID) number generated on this page and then making an online bill payment at BancNet's web site. During step 2 (example below) you will enter in the reference number that is generated when you first visited this page. Write that number down someplace as you will need it during the scheduling of your interview date.


Step 2
Make note of your reference number below:



You must correctly enter the reference number when making your online bill payment at BancNet's web site. This will also serve as your receipt number in booking your appointment.


Other Bank options are available by following these instructions.





We recommend that you do three things to insure smooth processing of your documents. First, create a "dropbox", "google drive" or "just cloud" account for document storage. Dropbox is one of the easiest to use. They are free so take advantage of the opportunity. Once you have your cloud storage created then help your fiancé(e) learn how to log on and download or read documents from your cloud service.  What's good about cloud storage during this process is that you can "drop" files, pictures and or scanned documents and your fiancé(e) will have access, almost immediately. Second item. Buy your fiancé(e) a 4GB thumb drive to store documents on. Now you have a no nonsense filing system which is safeguarding your documents. If any one system crashes you now have two others to access your documents from. Third item. Every single document you create, or receive during the visa process you put a copy in your cloud storage. If you have divorce papers, marriage certificates, birth certificates, NBI, NSO whatever the document, it goes into cloud storage. Do this and you will never misplace a document.

Disclaimer : While every effort has been made to ensure that the information you find on this website is updated, immigration laws and procedures change from time to time in the U.S.A and The Philippines. We claim no responsibility for the accuracy of information herein as the application of immigration laws can vary according to the facts of a particular case and immigration information can change without notice. Statements contained herein are not meant to be specific legal advice and are meant to be viewed only as general information, and F-AVC accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken in reliance on the information provided.


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