Filipino-American VisaCenter
The Comming Together of Two Cultures to Form One Family

Supplying Services For K-1/K-2 Visas'

I-864 - Affidavit of Support
In order to demonstrate that the foreign national spouse will not become a public charge, the U.S. citizen spouse must prove that they have sufficient financial resources to support their spouse. The U.S. spouse will have to provide evidence that their annual income is at least 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for their household size. They will have to submit proof of their current employment as well as their most recent federal income tax return with W-2's. If they do not earn enough money to sponsor their household size at 125% of the poverty level, they can supplement the affidavit with assets (for example if they own a home but live on a fixed income) or they can have a family member or friend file a joint affidavit of support. The joint sponsor must independently make enough money to support the foreign national and their own household at above 125% of the poverty level. You may find a chart of the poverty guidelines here.